Special tours Ai Weiwei
19 January, 2024 - 9 February, 2024
The exhibition In Search of Humanity offers an impressive retrospective of the artist and human rights activist Ai Weiwei’s career, which to date spans over four decades and includes cultural readymades, paintings, LEGO works, sculptures, installations, photography, and video art. The artworks reveal his continuous quest for humanity and a better world. Participate in one of the Special Tours and see the exhibition through the eyes of the people working for Unesco NL and Amnesty International.
Tours Unesco NL
On Friday 19 and Friday 26 January you can visit the exhibition Ai Weiwei. In Search of Humanity in the company of someone who works for Unesco NL, UNESCO is the UN organisation for education, culture, science, and communication and champions artists, performers, scientists, journalists, and many others involved in creativity and freedom of speech.
During the tour, Unesco NL will zoom in on how Ai Weiwei uses his freedom of expression, and which restrictions are imposed on him as an artist. Furthermore, light will be shed on Ai Weiwei’s dedication to freedom of expression in the broadest sense of the word, emphasising the role of both art and artist, and how these are contributing to realising a just and peaceful society.
Amnesty International Tours
On Friday 2 and Friday 9 February you can visit the exhibition Ai Weiwei. In Search of Humanity in the company of someone who works for Amnesty International. This human rights organisation is a worldwide movement of people fighting against injustice and campaigning for justice, freedom, human dignity, and equality in over 150 countries.
During this guided tour, Amnesty International will zoom in on human rights in China, Ai Weiwei’s native country. On the basis of various artworks, the tour will shed light on subjects like surveillance, censorship, and arbitrary detention, which are not only relevant in China, but all over the world. It will also discuss question like: How do people offer resistance in a country with huge differences between the power of the state and that of the individual? and: What are the consequences of their actions? You are encouraged to think, not only about the situation in China, but also about how things are going in your own society. At the end of the tour you will learn more about ways to support human rights activists.
Overview special tours
Friday 19 January 12:00 - 13:00 hrs | Tour Unesco NL (Dutch spoken) |
Friday 26 January 12:00 - 13:00 hrs | Tour Unesco NL (English spoken) |
Friday 2 February 12:00 - 13:00 uur | Tour Amnesty (Dutch spoken) |
Friday 9 February 12:00 - 13:00 uur | Tour Amnesty (English spoken) |
After each guided tour you are given the opportunity to further explore the exhibition on your own. Sign up now!
The special tours are sold out.