Specially for its 25th anniversary, on Thursday 2 November the Kunsthal will focus on the iconic architecture of the building. The architect Rem Koolhaas will give a comprehensive masterclass exclusively for students and (new) Friends of the Kunsthal.
The masterclass starts with a welcome by Kunsthal director Emily Ansenk, followed by a conversation between critic and editor Véronique Patteeuw and Rem Koolhaas about the realisation of the building. They will discuss the present function of the Kunsthal, which remains unchanged after 25 years, as well as the future of the building. Afterwards, Rem Koolhaas will participate in three different sessions on various project pitches about the Kunsthal and the Museumpark with students from TU Delft, TU Eindhoven and the Willem de Kooning Academy. In conversations with students and public, Koolhaas will give his feedback on these presentations. During the masterclass there will be ample opportunity for discussion. The language is English.
From 1.15 pm on, participants in the masterclass will be able to explore the Kunsthal further during special guided tours by OMA architects and Urban Guides.
09.30 am - 10.30 | Doors open |
10.30 am - 12.45 pm | Masterclass by Rem Koolhaas in the Auditorium |
12.45 pm - 13.15 | Lunch break* |
13.15 pm- 14.30 | Guided tours of the Kunsthal for students and Kunsthal Friends |
*A lunch package (€ 7,50) is available for participants at the Kunsthal cafe.
Participation in this masterclass is EXCLUSIVELY FOR STUDENTS and KUNSTHAL FRIENDS. You are required to register beforehand and to present a valid Kunsthal ticket * together with your student card or Kunsthal Friend card.
Unfortunately it is not possible anymore for students to register, all seats are taken.
Kunsthal Friends can register by sending an email to vrienden@kunsthal.nl
*On 2 November admission is free on presentation of a valid WdKA student card or Friends of the Kunsthal card. The following fees apply to other students:
up to and including 18 years old: € 2
CJP and students up to and including 26 years old: € 6
More anniversary