On Friday evening 3 May the Kunsthal and the Bright.nl tech platform are jointly organising an evening in which the science fiction world of Star Wars is the protagonist!
It includes a presentation by the industrial designer and dedicated Lightsaber replica constructor Roy Gilsing. Theoretical physicist Anna Gimbrere will talk about the scientific aspects of this fictional weapon. The presentations are Dutch spoken.
The Bright Unboxing Party gadget show is also dedicated to the sci-fi theme, followed by a pre-party for ‘May the 4th Be With You’ – Star Wars Day – in conjunction with the cos players of Dutch Garrison.
Buy your tickets now!
What: Bright Night
Where: Kunsthal Rotterdam
When: Vrijdagavond 3 mei
Doors open at 19.30 hrs. Start 20.00 hrs sharp.
€ 15,- regular
€ 10,- CJP/student
Watch here the experience of Bright's Erwin van der Zande in the exhibition 'Science Fiction: A Journey into the Unknown'.
See also