Who we are
Marianne Splint - Executive director
Renee Jongejan - Business director
Charlotte Martens - Senior curator
Shehera Grot - Curator
Joris Westerink - Curator
David Snels - Curator
Klaas Witsen Elias - Exhibition coordinator and registrar
Education and audience
Ronny Theeuwes - Head of education and audience
Frieda Baldewsing - Event progamme audience
Ninelotte Dijk - Education
Marketing and communication
Sabine Parmentier - Head of marketing and communication
Caroline van den Boomgaard - Marketing and communication
Zaïda Bouwmeester - Marketing and communication
Myra Ferdinandus - Online marketing and communication
Katharina Grosser - Head of development, interim
Frank Hop - Partnerships
Bente Lutteke - Event coordinator
Marijn Versteegen - Funding & Friends
Production and technical services
Hylke Bijker - Head of productions
Ben Shamier - Foreman technical services
Addy Homma - Coordinator building and installations
Louis Buurman - Technician
Ron Barneveld - Technician
General Affairs
Jiska van der Stoep - Floormanager
Rosanne de Vries - Board assistant and project assistent
Suzanne de Vries - HR
Loes Buitendijk - Reception
Charlotte Tasma - Reception
Hatice Özdemir - Ticket desk
Kunsthal shop
Tessie Loeff - Shop manager
Jay Hoogenboom - Shop assistent
Krista Wigbout - Controller
Maria Khomeriki - Finance
Security management
Raimond Pronk - Head of Security