Baharak Sabourian new chair of the Kunsthal Rotterdam’s supervisory board
Jan. 25, 2022
Starting her duties in January 2022, Baharak Sabourian has been appointed chair of the Kunsthal Rotterdam’s supervisory board. She succeeds Arjan Schakenbos, chair of the board of directors at Vestia, who is resigning after a period of eight years.
Since December 2018, Baharak Sabourian has been a member of the Kunsthal Rotterdam’s supervisory board. The supervisory board and the Kunsthal are pleased that Sabourian is renewing her commitment to the Kunsthal in her new role as chair. Arjan Schakenbos: “Over the past years, Baharak Sabourian’s knowledge and all-round expertise have supported the Kunsthal in its mission to constantly engage new audiences in innovative ways. With her strong sense of commitment I am convinced that, in her role as chair, she will inspire people to realise the Kunsthal’s ambitions.”
Baharak Sabourian (1976) is an all-round lawyer with considerable experience in strategic decision-making and legal analysis in processes that are complex and politically sensitive. She started her career as a solicitor, working at renowned legal firms such as Allen & Overy LLP. Continuing her career at the Ministry of Finance, she worked on topical dossiers such as the financial sector’s reward structure, the Dutch corporate governance code, and questions relating to European financial law. Since 2019, Baharak Sabourian has been working at Rabobank, where she is currently director organisations KYC operations Retail Netherlands.
Baharak Sabourian: “From my position as chair, I am looking forward to further strengthening the Kunsthal together with the management and team. The Kunsthal does not have a collection of its own and can only exist through local, national, and international collaborations with a great variety of institutions, artists, specialists, foundations, and companies, both in and beyond the cultural sector. Like no other, the Kunsthal is capable of taking advantage of the power of collaboration, and I am proud to be in a position where I can dedicate myself to this unique cultural institute, this Rotterdam icon. The supervisory board and the Kunsthal team are very grateful to Arjan Schakenbos for his tremendous commitment to the Kunsthal over the past eight years. We would like to thank him for his contribution to the Kunsthal’s growing success.”
The other members of the supervisory board of Kunsthal Rotterdam are Bianca Tetteroo (chair of the Achmea executive board), Steven Lubbers (CEO Hollandia Corporate), Dirk Jan Dokman (Healthtech entrepreneur), and Marloes Krijnen (founder and former director of FOAM Photography Museum Amsterdam). They perform their duties unremunerated.